Jonathan Bunn

Councils are facing funding pressures (Dominic Lipinski/PA)

Brave reforms needed to stop local services reaching ‘breaking point’ – councils

Cross-party leaders of councils serving half the population of England say services can only be secured with ‘bold’ action from the next government.
30 May 2024
Communities Secretary Michael Gove has been urged to end the financial crisis in local government (Jane Barlow/PA)

MPs warn councils need billions a year to end ‘out of control’ crisis

A report by the Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee called for reform of a ‘broken’ local government finance system.
1 Feb 2024
MPs have called for more action to prepare for rising temperatures and heatwaves (Victoria Jones/PA).

MPs call for action amid warning of 10,000 annual heatwave deaths

The Environmental Audit Committee said the Government is not moving quickly enough to prevent deaths caused by extreme temperatures.
31 Jan 2024
Communities Secretary Michael Gove said extra funding could be provided due to progress made on the economy (Jordan Pettitt/PA).

Council leaders push for reform after ‘short-term’ £500m social care boost confirmed

Communities Secretary Michael Gove has announced extra money for councils following pressure from Tory MPs.
24 Jan 2024
Councils are set to receive an emergency bailout from the Government following recent warnings of further bankruptcies (Dominic Lipinski/PA)

Councils to receive £500m emergency bailout to avert cash crisis

An announcement on late changes to the local government finance settlement is expected this afternoon.
24 Jan 2024
More funding is needed to tackle the ‘tremendous cost of temporary accommodation and homelessness’, a councillor said (Yui Mok/PA)

Councils face bankruptcy due to rising homelessness costs, leaders warn

An emergency meeting of 50 council leaders heard the Government could preside over the ‘end of local government’.
23 Jan 2024
Private investors are becoming increasingly involved in the social housing sector (Victoria Jones/PA).

Minister insists private equity is welcome in social housing sector

Social housing minister Baroness Scott is joined by the chief executive of Homes England in backing private investment to boost supply.
23 Jan 2024
Many child refugees have arrived in the UK on small boats (Jordan Pettitt/PA).

Warnings that vulnerable child migrants at risk after ‘flawed’ age assessments

Campaigners call on the Government to take urgent action as data suggests children are not being protected from harm.
22 Jan 2024
Important elements of the funding settlement for councils this year disproportionately benefit richer areas and fail to take into account a range of growing demand pressures, according to local authorities serving some of the poorest communities (PA)

Councils claim funding settlement benefits wealthier areas

Local authorities in some of the most deprived areas warned of further bankruptcies because of the way the Government distributes grants.
22 Jan 2024
The World Economic Forum’s annual meeting takes place in Davos, Switzerland, this week (Alamy/PA)

What is Davos 2024, who is attending and what is on the agenda?

Global political and business leaders will seek influence and prestige at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum.
16 Jan 2024
The comments came in the wake of the Post Office Horizon IT scandal (PA)

Adviser calls for more transparency on procurement to prevent future scandals

An expert with a role in developing the Cabinet Office plan for open government said action is needed quickly on a range of issues.
10 Jan 2024
Somerset Council is considering a 10% hike in council tax as it faces extreme budget pressures (Dominic Lipinski/PA)

Somerset executive considers 10% council tax hike and ‘heartbreaking’ cuts

Somerset Council may be forced to declare effective bankruptcy if the Government does not agree to grant financial flexibilities.
8 Jan 2024
Rishi Sunak faces the prospect of further setbacks to delivering his five priorities (James Manning/PA)

Doubts remain on first anniversary of Rishi Sunak’s ‘priorities’ speech

The deadlines for achieving all his five pledges remain vague, but progress is at risk during the run-up to the general election.
4 Jan 2024
Housing Secretary Michael Gove delivers a speech setting out planning reforms. (Jordan Pettitt/PA)

What are Gove’s planning reforms, and will housing influence general election?

The Housing Secretary has announced a range of planning reforms aimed at boosting housing supply.
19 Dec 2023
Levelling Up Secretary Michael Gove insisted the Government is supporting councils (Aaron Chown/PA)

Tory councils ‘bitterly disappointed’ by financial settlement

Michael Gove said the provisional settlement for 2024/25 shows the Government ‘stands behind councils up and down the country’.
18 Dec 2023
Secretary of State for Levelling Up Michael Gove (Aaron Chown/PA)

Mayors join calls for emergency cash to protect ‘on the brink’ councils

Labour regional mayors also said reforms were vital to ensuring councils can protect the vulnerable and boost growth.
15 Dec 2023
Councils have appealed directly to Rishi Sunak in a bid to secure more funding (Alamy/PA)

Councils in last-ditch plea to PM over ‘knife-edge’ finances

Analysis by the body representing councils outside London identified immediate threats to financial sustainability and crucial services.
14 Dec 2023
Demonstrators against the Rwanda policy at a removal centre at Gatwick (Victoria Jones/PA)

What happens to the Rwanda Bill now and what challenges remain for Rishi Sunak?

Conservative factions are considering their next moves after MPs backed the contentious Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill.
13 Dec 2023
Demonstrators against the Rwanda policy at a removal centre at Gatwick (Victoria Jones/PA)

Why is Rishi Sunak under pressure and what happens next to the Rwanda Bill?

Conservative factions will give their verdict on the contentious Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill.
11 Dec 2023
Levelling Up Secretary Michael Gove admitted he is concerned about local government finances. (James Manning/PA)

Michael Gove blames councils’ financial failure on poor leadership

The Levelling Up Secretary said he is concerned about local government finances but predicted that no ‘well run’ councils are at risk.
7 Dec 2023
Levelling Up Secretary Michael Gove (Stefan Rousseau/PA)

Councils urge Michael Gove to intervene amid fears of financial failure

Tory local government figures have sounded the alarm over new burdens, cuts to statutory services and council tax rises in a general election year.
6 Dec 2023